FBReader 2.2 build 2020021 APK

FBReader 2.2 build 2020021 APK

FBReader v2.2 build 2020021 APK

FBReader v2.2 build 2020021 APK

Version : 2.2 build 2020021

FBReader v2.2 build 2020021 APK

Requirements: Varies with device

Overview: FBReader (FBReaderJ) is an e-book reader. Supports epub, rtf, fb2(.zip), mobi, and plain text file formats.


FBReader (FBReaderJ) is a free ebook reader. Supports epub, rtf, doc (MS Word), html, fb2(.zip), mobi (including non-protected kindle books), and plain text file formats. PDF files are supported via FBReader PDF plugin (http://ift.tt/1zX0tXu).

Since version 2.0 FBReader allows to synchronise book collection and/or reading positions with FBReader book network (http://ift.tt/YeAr1A). Synchronisation is disabled by default, go to preferences dialog to enable it and configure parameter.

FBReader is fast, highly customizable. Can use external TrueType/OpenType fonts and custom backgrounds. Screen brightness can be changed during reading (slide finger up/down along the left screen edge). Supports different day/night color schemes.

Supports YotaPhone Always-On Display functionality (can display text on both LCD and eInk screens).

Includes a browser/downloader for network ebook catalogs/stores. Several popular English, French, Russian, Chinese and Polish libraries are included. Custom OPDS catalogs are supported too.

Alternatively you can download books manually and put them into /sdcard/Books catalog on your device.

FBReader is integrated with external dictionaries. Supports ColorDict, all Slovoed dictionaries (by Paragon Software), Fora Dictionary, FreeDictionary.org, LEO dictionary.

Localized for 29 languages. Includes hyphenation patterns for 24 languages. Open-source (GPL).

Similar applications: Kindle, Google Books, Aldiko, Cool Reader, Moon+ Reader, Alreader

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